
Artist Spotlight – The Everglows

the everglows

Artist Spotlight this week is East London trio, The Everglows. They are on a 60s retro trip has been a big hit throughout London with numerous gigs in pubs, bars and local music venues and have even supported Britpop legends Dodgy.

The band are able to captivate the modern rock music audience with their capturing choruses which, although they may seem repetitive and simple, they are undoubtedly a hit with rock fans who want to hear effective variation of chords and meaningful lyrics, thanks to lead guitar and vocalist Andy Smith.

Their new single ‘Julia Lost’ produces an uplifting vibe that can go from being played through a pair of cans whilst you drift off into a music-inspired slumber. Their sound is like a mesmerising combination of the Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian.

The Everglows are also looking to add a keyboard player to the band or guitarist,so get in touch if you’re interested.

Check them out on Facebook and Twitter!

Alex Taylor-Pearson
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of ICM.

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