Modern Age Music Song of the Day: The Goa Express – ‘Be My Friend’

the goa express press photo

The Goa Express have returned with their second single ‘Be My Friend’, which follows on from popular 2019 debut track ‘The Day’.

The quintet hail from industrial towns of Burnley and Todmorden in the northwest of England, and have most recently made inroads into the Manchester scene with sold-out headline shows and support slots with the likes of Temples.

‘Be My Friend’ is electric garage rock, with ferocious guitar work, driving vocals, and a suitably chaotic arrangement driving it into the realms of sonic psych rock.

The band says the new track “pushes the importance of friendship as something deeper while rejecting the falseness and flattery of the modern world, and taking a step away from those who are always trying to get close to you and as both a shout out to individuality and an acceptance of rejection. It’s a dismissal of the modern world’s hyper-connectivity and a return to privacy, rather than the involvement of everyone knowing everyone’s business all of the time.”